Notre-Dame Cathedral Restoration

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Established in 2017, Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris began to support efforts to restore Notre-Dame Cathedral. Pollution, rain and time weakened the cathedral’s basic structure, and an ambitious $135 million campaign was planned to save Notre-Dame de Paris.

On April 15, 2019, the scope of that campaign dramatically changed when a fire broke out under the eaves of Notre-Dame Cathedral’s roof.

Fire engulfed the spire and most of the roof. Thankfully, firefighters were able to control the blaze, saving the main structure including the bell towers and rose windows. Nobody was injured, and the Catholic relics housed in the cathedral and priceless works of art were rescued and brought to safety.

In addition to reconstructing Notre-Dame Cathedral, there are many important artworks, artifacts and decorative elements that need attention and restoration.

Some of these elements were in need of significant restoration before the fire on April 15, and since the fire, this need is even greater.

Following the rebuilding phase, restoration works will address critical issues that existed before the 2019 fire. Once the reconstruction and restoration works are finished, Notre-Dame Cathedral will need our protection to ensure that she remains beautiful, safe and open to the public for generations of visitors to experience and enjoy.

Help restore Notre-Dame – this jewel of Gothic architecture – to her original splendor.

Cathedral Artifacts in need of restoration

Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris is the official 501(c)(3) charity leading the international fundraising efforts to rebuild and restore Notre-Dame Cathedral.
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Notre Dame portail sainte anne

Read more about Notre-Dame Cathedral's Restoration work before and after the fire

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Help restore Notre-Dame Cathedral to her original splendor.

Help restore Notre-Dame de Paris – this jewel of Gothic architecture – to her original splendor. Donate today!