Meet Nicholas L. Trivisonno

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Nick is the retired Chairman & CEO of the ACNielsen Company and throughout his career has held senior finance positions with various international companies. He has experience in strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, executive development and regulatory matters.  He and his wife, Suzie, live in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Q: What’s your favorite memory of Notre-Dame de Paris?

While visiting Paris with my parents in 1964, I fell in love with the Great Lady. As Catholics, we had already visited other cathedrals but I had not expected to experience Notre-Dame’s size, the peering gargoyles, the art and statuary and the rose windows.

Prior to the fire, whenever my wife Suzie and I were in Paris, we would visit Notre-Dame to pray. We’ve come to appreciate its intricacy, breathtaking beauty and natural presence that has developed over centuries. Notre-Dame is a place to know and feel God’s presence and to be heard and seen by Him. 

Q: What inspired you to get involved with Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris?

In the several years, Suzie and I have become more acquainted with the history of Notre-Dame and have developed a keen interest in the rebuilding and renovation. We also became members of Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris and joined the 1163 Society at the Quasimodo Circle level. We hope that throughout their lives our grandchildren will come to know Notre-Dame and, perhaps, appreciate that it is truly a treasure for the world.

Q: What will drive you as a board member?

I am honored to have been invited to join the Board of Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris and look forward to working with the other Board members to among other things help in raising money for the Foundation. Over the years, I have served as a Board member of both for profit and charitable organizations. As I learn more about the reconstruction and restoration, I will try to support the various teams without hindering their progress and I will spread the word and promote the efforts of the Friends Of Notre-Dame de Paris. 

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