Restoration of the nave chandeliers and installation in the cathedral 

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In 2024, the Cathedral’s fourteen chandeliers and numerous sconces were restored by Mathieu Lustrerie (Vaucluse). Designed by Viollet-le-Duc in the 19th century, they were tarnished and dirty, and two of them had been damaged when they fell during the fire. 

Restoration began with dismantling the pieces, followed by meticulous cleaning. Each piece was then polished or “burnished” to accentuate contrasts and make the ornamentation more legible. A varnisher then covered each piece with a gold varnish, subtly dosed with ochre to achieve the right shade. Finally, the chandeliers were reassembled and fitted with cables for future lighting.

In September, the chandeliers returned to the cathedral and were installed on either side of the nave. They now illuminate the nave and help to give it an incomparable sparkle.

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