Thank You Dinner at the Consulate General of France in New York City

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An Evening of Gratitude in Honor of the Friends of Notre-Dame

On February 14, the Consulate General of France in New York City hosted an exceptional thank-you dinner organized in conjunction with the Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris. This special evening aimed to honor the American friends of the Cathedral, whose unwavering support has been crucial for the restoration of this iconic monument.

The event began with a warm introduction from Ambassador Bili and Consul General of France, Cedrik Fouriscot. Both emphasized the importance of transatlantic ties and solidarity between France and the United States.

Michel Picaud, President of the Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris, then took the floor to express his deep gratitude to all the American friends of the Cathedral. He extended special thanks to those who were unable to attend the cathedral’s reopening in December 2024, recognizing their dedication and generosity as essential pillars of Notre-Dame’s renaissance.

Approximately 100 patrons of the Cathedral attended the event, including some who have been unwavering supporters for more than 10 years. Philippe Villeneuve, the Cathedral’s Chief Architect of Historical Monuments, was also honored to participate in the evening. He personally thanked each patron for their invaluable contribution to the restoration of Notre-Dame.

This evening of appreciation served as a moment of sharing and recognition, strengthening the ties between American supporters and the Friends of Notre-Dame de Paris. Together, we continue to work to preserve this symbol of French history and culture for future generations.

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